
About eyebrows

Eyebrows are a very important feature of the face, and though it's not a hard task it's incredibly easy to make mistakes. And those can affect the general appearance of a person. Good eyebrows are a must, they provide a naturally attractive aspect and are very important for a nice makeup.

I would recommend having them done by a professional, at least for the very first time and then keeping it nice by yourself, in order to avoid major accidental disasters. But if you are just like me, and would rather taking the risk than giving the control of the situation to someone else, I brought some tips for designing your eyebrows at home, and doing it right.

Before starting I just want to clarify two things about eyebrows that you probably already know: Firstly, they are a matter of taste and personal preferences. And finally, I quote a very common phrase: "eyebrows are sisters, not twins". Therefore, just as our faces aren't symmetrical, it's natural to have slightly different eyebrows.

For starting to give shape to our eyebrows it's necessary to have our face clean and dried.

♡  You'll need a straight object, it can be a ruler, a pencil, etc. Put one of the extremes of the object following the indications and mark the spots of the eyebrow with an eye pencil.

    ♥ From the out side of the tip of your nose to your forehead, in a straight line, to figure out where your eyebrow should start.

Tip:  Making the eyebrow narrower or separate affects the shape of your nose.

    ♥ From the same nose point and passing through the middle of the eye, considering that you are staring directly to the front as looking in the mirror. You will find the higher spot of your eyebrow arch.

    ♥ From the outside of the nostril, passing through the exterior corner of your eye, to obtain where your eyebrow should end.

♡  Now, all you need to do is connecting the spots, using the same straight object, the result will be the perfect delimitation of your eyebrow according to your own face features.

♡  Then, the painful bit, removing all the hairs that are outside of the design. I recommend using tweezers, because the eyes area is very sensitive and needs a soft treatment, and also that tool offers more precision.

♡  This step is optional, I personally think that it is the one that makes the whole difference in certain cases, but not everybody needs it. I'm talking about cutting the hairs that are too long, this avoids that messy look, and provides a more defined shape.

As you can see in the picture the first step is to brush the hairs in certain directions, the inner part you will brush up, and the outer part down. Then you just have to hold them gently with the opposite hand and cut the excess.

And it's done! Following that steps your eyebrows will look gorgeous! It can take time and practice, but it's actually pretty simple having the perfect eyebrows for your face.

♡ Besitos ♥
X Charo